Life Insurance Father’s Day Index 2020: Dad gets a quarantine raise Written by Jennifer Shelton | Reviewed by Penny Gusner Penny Gusner Penny is an expert on insurance procedures, rates, policies and claims. She has extensive knowledge of all major insurance lines -- auto, homeowners, life and health insurance. She has been answering consumers’ questions as an analyst for more than 15 years and has been featured in numerous major media outlets, including the Washington Post and Kiplinger’s. | Posted on: June 4, 2020 Why you can trust Quality Verified At, we are committed to providing the timely, accurate and expert information consumers need to make smart insurance decisions. All our content is written and reviewed by industry professionals and insurance experts. Our team carefully vets our rate data to ensure we only provide reliable and up-to-date insurance pricing. We follow the highest editorial standards. Our content is based solely on objective research and data gathering. We maintain strict editorial independence to ensure unbiased coverage of the insurance industry. Father’s Day around the country conjures images of breakfast in bed, grilling burgers and dogs on the patio, and lavishing praise for handmade cards from the kids. And it’s a good thing, too, because all of those things can be done under full or loosened shelter-in-place orders. As many areas across the country are in various phases of re-opening after several weeks – or even months – due to the COVID-19 pandemic, dads (and moms) are likely breathing a sigh of relief as this season of homeschooling comes to an end. Each year, the team highlights dad’s responsibilities at home and acknowledges what his “salary” should be for these tasks. For the past 10 years, has based the salary’s value on the most recent salary data available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics using the most relevant job titles. Dad’s value is the highest yet Events occurring this year have been unprecedented in many ways. We’ve added on three extra responsibilities to dad’s list of duties plus one “bonus” task. This resulted in dad’s salary jumping up a staggering 40% from last year– bumping him to a salary of $37,835. The jobs that increased the most in pay were: +24% – Refuse and recyclable collector+9% – Other teachers and instructors (homework helper)+8% – Athletic coach, umpire+6% – Laborers and freight movers+6% – Computer systems manager The jobs that stayed the same or decreased were: +0.2% – Plumbers+0.1% – Miscellaneous assemblers and fabricators-1% – Taxi drivers and chauffeurs-9% – Recreation and fitness workers Overall, dad’s “salary” jumped by 5% even without adding the new jobs. “Moms and dads have had a lot of extra tasks and stress these last few months when many have been home 24/7 with the whole family,” notes’s senior consumer analyst, Penny Gusner. “While there is no real paycheck to thank dad for his contributions at home, hopefully, the kids will show their love and respect in other ways this Father’s Day.” Father’s Day job values index 2020 BLS occupation title Father’s job description Hours per week Weeks per year Mean hourly wage Change from 2019 Annual earnings (rounded) CooksBarbecuing352$13.383%$2,087Taxi drivers and chauffeursDriving952$15.60-1%$7,301Other teachers and instructorsHelping with homework1040$29.759%$11,900Accountants and auditorsFamily finances0.552$35.481%$922Grounds Maintenance WorkersMowing the lawn, landscaping, snow removal252$15.185%$1,578Laborers and freight, stock, and material moversMoving furniture23$16.436%$99Automotive service technicians and mechanicsCar maintenance210$20.281%$406Athletes, coaches, umpires, and related workersCoaching a team410$28.358%$1,134Recreation and fitness workersScout leader510$16.40-9%$820Miscellaneous assemblers and fabricatorsAssembly of toys, bookshelves, etc.310$18.100.1%$543Pest control workersPest removal (spiders and gross bugs)14$18.532%$74Maintenance and repair workers, generalHandyman86$22.081%$1,060Pipelayers, plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfittersPlumber23$22.950.2%$138Refuse and recyclable material collectorsCollecting trash, putting cans on the curb and goes to the dump if necessary.0.552$17.0824%$615Computer and information systems managersSets up computers, cellphones and helps with issues.145$50.486%$2,271JudgeBreaking up fights, decide who is at fault and handing out punishment.150$44.853%$2,243TOTAL 54 5%$33,191 Extra COVID-19 task for dads BLS occupation titleFather’s job descriptionHours per weekWeeks per yearMean hourly wageAnnual earningsElementary/Middle school teacherTaking over or assisting with educational duties for distance learning children during school closures208$29.03$4,644 Grand Total$37,835 Dad’s double-duty – or maybe triple Dads are doing more than ever this year, so we added jobs to dad’s responsibilities. We now measure the value of 16 tasks, up from 13. Jobs added to dad’s responsibilities and salary total this year: Refuse and recyclable material collectors – It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s gotta do it. Dad might be tasked with those trash runs and separating all the recyclables. He might even be the person who flies out of bed early to put the trash at the curb on trash day.Computer and information systems managers – “DAD! THE INTERNET’S NOT WORKING!!!” is the official Bat signal for dads, and dads answer the call. Acting as IT professionals (some with more qualifications than others), dads keep the Zoom meetings running and the Netflix binges streaming.Judge – Breaking up sibling fights and doling out punishments is all part of the parenting gig. Both moms and dads had this extra job added to their plates. When the family is around each other ALL THE TIME, frequent dustups are inevitable. The bonus job: Teacher – While helping with homework has always been on the list, this year, dads and moms are both discovering just how bad they are at explaining the quadratic formula or how to diagram a sentence. “Dads from every corner of the country had to dive into the homeschooling arena,” said Gusner. “Moms also had this job factored into their salary this year, but since the average household has more than one child, households with two parents were likely to divvy up the task,” Gusner explained. We’re hoping it’s a one-time gig for the dads (and moms) who prefer their kids are able attend a physical school with their classmates. Multitasking meetings and mopping Making it through a day of regular work can be exhausting all by itself. But now, more than ever, the multitasking required to accomplish not just a full day of work, but the maintenance at home and the education of children has really upped the multitasking game – accomplishing a hefty number of chores per week. While we are assigning these tasks to fathers, we know that parents, grandparents, family and friends may play a vital in the care and comfort of children and upkeep of the household. Use our index as a reminder to show your appreciation to all caregivers that help provide and care for you and your household. Could you do it by yourself? The stakes have never been higher for much of the country – particularly for our vulnerable population or those caring for those who are high risk. The COVID-19 crisis has put incredible pressure on us to have tough conversations with our loved ones about loss. presents this annual survey to demonstrate just how much is involved in the care of running your home and caring for a family – whether you are the primary caregiver or the primary paycheck – or both. If your partner or spouse were to die, would you and your family have the money and resources to survive and sustain without that loved one? Our survey assigns a salary to these household chores because in the event of a death, you might be unable to complete everything that needs to be done and would need to hire help for child care, housekeeping or cooking. Life insurance helps to take care of your family when you can’t If you were to die, your life insurance policy would ensure that your family can pay for immediate expenses, such as funeral arrangements, mortgage or rent, utilities, food, and childcare. If you paid into a policy with a larger payout amount, that money can be used to help with sustaining the quality of life of your family or paying for expenses in the future, such as college and paying off debts or a mortgage. “Kids keep parents very focused on the present moment… ‘What’s for dinner? What time is my game? Ugh, my sister broke my game console!’” says Gusner, “But the reality is that we have to be prepared for the future as well. We stress about and try to prepare for the costs of sending a child to college, but the financial effects of a death in the family can be devastating to our family’s plan. Fortunately, purchasing a life insurance policy is far easier than any college application!” Turn this dad to-do into a dad ta-da In less time than it takes to grill your signature chicken thighs, you can use’s life insurance tools: Life Insurance Advisor offers a fast questionnaire about your assets to understand what is important to cover.Life Insurance Calculator walks you through seven simple questions to determine an estimate of a policy size as well as the type of policy to consider. After you use those tools, you can easily request policy quotes from the best life insurance companies in the country. After receiving your quotes, talk with your partner about the idea of making certain the family will be financially secure should you die. Present your estimated costs of what’s needed for life insurance coverage and at least three estimates to discuss your budget options. Companies often offer life insurance policies. Though that’s a good start, an employer-based life insurance policy is typically not going to be enough money to protect your family. And since it also doesn’t travel with you if you leave that employer, it’s important that it’s the cherry on the life-insurance sundae and not the whole dessert. When it comes to life insurance, anything is better than nothing. Since you’ve shopped around, commit to a policy that gives you peace of mind without breaking the bank. In fact, here are some simple swaps might help you pay for your policy. Be the hero your kids believe you are While you might not be wearing a cape or stretchy pants, the ability to do hard things is truly what makes a hero. This Father’s Day, the team at wants you to know that you are nailing this dad thing. You’ve been there through the late nights, early mornings, tears, tantrums, and so much more. You’ve been there for them when you can, and here’s the best way to be there for them – even when you can’t. Also, we think you could totally rock a cape. Methodology “Dad’s value” is based on occupational wages from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and does not include a salary from work outside the home. It is calculated using a list of common household tasks that fathers often perform. × Get Free Life Insurance Quotes Today! Zip Code Please enter valid zip Age Age 16 – 20 21 – 24 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65+ Coverage Amount Coverage Amount $50,000 – $100,000 $100,000 – $200,000 $200,000 – $300,000 $400,000 – $500,000 $500,000 – $1,000,000 $1,000,000 – $2,000,000 $2,000,000 – $5,000,000 $5,000,000+ Coverage Type Coverage Type Whole Life Term Life Final Expense Not Sure Gender Gender Male Female Non-Binary Tobacco Use Yes No Compare Quotes Related Articles Best wedding insurance companies in 2025 By Danielle Dorchester How to read your life insurance policy By Shivani Gite The 10 largest life insurance companies By Chris Kissell What is cash value life insurance and how does it work? By Desiree Ghazi Life insurance calculator: How much life insurance do you need? By Huma Naeem Types of life insurance By Huma Naeem On this page Dad’s value is the highest yetFather’s Day job values index 2020Extra COVID-19 task for dadsDad’s double-duty – or maybe tripleMultitasking meetings and moppingCould you do it by yourself?Life insurance helps to take care of your family when you can’tTurn this dad to-do into a dad ta-daBe the hero your kids believe you are ZIP Code Please enter valid ZIP See rates