ranks 2025’s best insurers. See the winners.

All the information you provide for this checkup will be kept confidential. We will not ask you for any information that can be used to contact you unless you request a quote.

First, let’s get some general information

Age should be in between 18-100 years.
Enter valid zip code.
See Previous Result

Which of these applies to your situation:

  • I have a mortgage loan and home/condo insurance
  • I have a mortgage loan and do not have home/condo insurance
  • I own my home and have home/condo insurance
  • I own my home and do not have a home/condo insurance policy
  • I rent my home and have renters insurance
  • I rent my home and do not have renters insurance
  • I am in a situation where I do not need home or renters insurance (e.g. lives with parents)
Select atleast one option.

Have you completed a home inventory of your belongings within the last 5 years

Have you made any improvements to your home in the last 5 years that would increase its value?

If yes, have you updated your dwelling coverage to account for the improvements?

Do you have replacement coverage or actual cash value coverage on your belongings?

  • Replacement
  • Actual Cash Value
  • I don't know
  • I don’t have this coverage
Select atleast one option.

Do you own valuable collectible items such as jewelry, firearms, art?

Do you have a rider for these items?

What are the liability limits for your home/condo or renters policy?

Do you live in an area prone to floods?

If yes, do you have flood insurance (it is a separate policy you must buy)?

Do you live in an area prone to earthquakes?

If yes, do you have earthquake insurance (it is a separate policy you must buy)?

Do you have an umbrella policy?

All the information you provide for this checkup will be kept confidential.
Calculating your results...
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Home insurance
Did you know that 1 in 265 homes will have a homeowners claim for a fire?