Home Car insurance Car insurance rates Average car insurance rates by age and gender Average car insurance rates by age and gender Insurance companies take your age and gender into account when determining premiums. View Carriers Please enter valid zip Compare top carriers in your area Written by Sarah Sharkey Sarah Sharkey Sarah Sharkey is a personal finance writer with a master’s degree in management from the Hough School of Business at the University of Florida. She enjoys helping readers find money solutions that work. She has written for numerous personal-finance publications including Money Under 30 and The College Investor. | Reviewed by Nupur Gambhir Nupur Gambhir Nupur is a licensed life, health, and disability insurance agent and an auto and home insurance expert. She has written extensively on insurance topics for QuinStreet’s CarInsurance.com, Insurance.com and Insure.com as well as for Bloomberg News, Forbes Advisor, CNET, Fortune, Slate, Real Simple, Lifehacker and The Financial Gym. | Updated on: September 13, 2024 Why you can trust Insure.com Quality Verified At Insure.com, we are committed to providing the timely, accurate and expert information consumers need to make smart insurance decisions. All our content is written and reviewed by industry professionals and insurance experts. Our team carefully vets our rate data to ensure we only provide reliable and up-to-date insurance pricing. We follow the highest editorial standards. Our content is based solely on objective research and data gathering. We maintain strict editorial independence to ensure unbiased coverage of the insurance industry. Age and gender are two factors that come into play when determining your car insurance premiums. For both men and women, younger drivers tend to pay more for car insurance than their older counterparts. In general, women pay less for car insurance than men. For example, women aged 16 to 24 pay around $140 to $784 less a year for car insurance than men in the same age group. However, how gender insurance companies consider gender may be changing as some states ban this practice. For example, California and Michigan have both banned insurance companies from considering gender as a factor when determining car insurance premiums. Other states like Hawaii, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania have followed suit. We explore how age and gender impact car insurance rates below. Key Takeaways Women aged 16 to 24 pay around $140 to $784 less a year for car insurance than men. Depending on your state, insurers may charge different rates for men and women. Some states, like California and Michigan, have banned gender as a factor in determining car insurance rates. Make sure to shop around before committing to a car insurance policy to find the best rates for your situation. How do age and gender affect car insurance rates? Insurance companies take many factors into account when determining premiums. Your age and gender are two factors that most insurers consider. In general, younger drivers pay more for car insurance. That’s because mature drivers with more experience tend to get in fewer accidents than inexperienced drivers. With that, young people under 25 tend to face the highest insurance rates. “Gender can impact car insurance rates,” says Ben Michael, Director of Auto at Michael & Associates, a law firm in Texas. Michael continues, “Any factors that can contribute to a higher likelihood of getting into an accident can cause rates to rise. Statistics demonstrate that men are both more likely to get into car accidents and more likely to have major injuries due to car accidents, so because of that, they are often a little more expensive to insure.” Consequently, when gender is taken into account, women usually enjoy lower car insurance rates than their male counterparts. How states handle gender and car insurance While insurance companies have a history of taking gender into account when determining car insurance premiums, that’s changing. Some states have banned insurance companies from considering gender when determining car insurance premiums. California, Michigan, Hawaii, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania are some of the states that have banned insurance companies from determining premiums based on gender. Another important consideration is the option to choose a third-gender designation on driver’s licenses. As states make changes to the official documentation for gender, insurance companies will likely adjust their premium calculations. The many states that allow drivers to select a third gender include: Washington Oregon California Nevada Utah Colorado New Mexico Minnesota Illinois Michigan Virginia Pennsylvania New York Vermont New Hampshire Maine Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Maryland District of Columbia Car insurance rates by state and gender Women in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont have the lowest average car insurance costs, at less than $1,300 annually. Women in Louisiana and Florida pay the most for car insurance, with average annual costs over $2,700. Men pay slightly lower rates in Florida and Louisiana. However, in California and Michigan, the next most expensive states, men and women face the same average premiums. The table below breaks down the average insurance costs by gender and state. State Average annual rates for males Average annual rates for females Maine$1,195$1,154New Hampshire$1,275$1,256Vermont$1,345$1,293Ohio$1,414$1,421Idaho$1,444$1,412Virginia$1,457$1,481Indiana$1,511$1,519Hawaii$1,517$1,517Illinois$1,534$1,530Washington$1,580$1,637Iowa$1,626$1,635Oregon$1,640$1,715Wisconsin$1,653$1,675Tennessee$1,674$1,679North Dakota$1,681$1,648Alaska$1,692$1,661Massachusetts$1,726$1,726Connecticut$1,734$1,717North Carolina$1,742$1,741Maryland$1,755$1,736Utah$1,782$1,868Wyoming$1,806$1,709Arizona$1,807$1,817Alabama$1,842$1,877New York$1,862$1,878Pennsylvania$1,871$1,872Kansas$1,903$1,897New Jersey$1,912$1,892Nebraska$1,917$1,888Arkansas$1,931$1,982Minnesota$1,936$1,886Georgia$1,965$1,974Missouri$1,999$1,964West Virginia$2,010$2,000Mississippi$2,021$1,996Nevada$2,026$2,095New Mexico$2,028$2,069South Carolina$2,028$1,991Delaware$2,062$2,065Texas$2,062$2,024Rhode Island$2,072$2,050Oklahoma$2,124$2,152Washington, D.C.$2,168$2,146Montana$2,182$2,204Kentucky$2,246$2,210South Dakota$2,306$2,255Colorado$2,350$2,325Michigan$2,352$2,352California$2,416$2,416Florida$2,669$2,720Louisiana$2,872$2,895 Why do auto insurers use gender when setting rates? As insurance companies determine premiums, they consider risks. A driver with more risk factors usually sees a higher premium. Statistics show that women tend to get in fewer car accidents than men, speed less than men, are less likely to be in a fatal accident and are less likely to be convicted of a DUI. Because of this, insurance companies take on less risk when they insure a female driver. Ultimately, this leads to generally lower car insurance premiums for women compared to their male counterparts. QuickTake Most and least expensive trucks to insure in 2025 Determining which drivers should be listed on your car insurance policy How does mileage affect car insurance rates in 2025? 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Popular cars that are cheap to insure 5 luxury sedans with low insurance costs Insuring 2015's cheapest cars The least expensive small SUVs to insure Baby you're much too fast: Speedy cars with the cheapest insurance The least expensive 2011 hybrids to insure See more > How gender impacts car insurance rates Female drivers from age 16 to 24 pay, on average, around $412 less a year for car insurance compared to males, according to Insure.com’s rate analysis. That’s 9.47%. If car insurance companies no longer considered gender, young drivers would likely see their rates change the most. Without gender as a factor, insurers would charge the same rates to men and women. Most insurers would likely raise the rates of female drivers to match those of male drivers. Since the difference in premiums across genders diminishes dramatically after age 25, drivers under 25 would see the biggest rate change. For example, women tend to pay at least 10% less than their male counterparts from age 16 to 20. After that, the rate difference closes quickly. If gender weren’t considered, young women would likely see their rates rise to meet the average for male drivers. The table below highlights the differences in auto insurance premiums for males and females of different ages. AgeAverage annual rates for femalesAverage annual rates for malesDollar difference for male vs. femalePercent that males pay more than females16$6,757$7,541$78410%17$5,633$6,275$64210%18$4,956$5,543$58711%19$3,884$4,369$48511%20$3,537$3,943$40610%21$2,958$3,231$2738%22$2,750$2,965$2157%23$2,584$2,756$1726%24$2,454$2,594$1405%25$2,224$2,295$713%30$2,006$2,017$111%35$1,944$1,949$50%40$1,896$1,898$20%45$1,870$1,867-$30%50$1,787$1,794$70%55$1,728$1,747$191%60$1,707$1,727$201%65$1,730$1,754$241%70$1,821$1,861$402%75$1,971$2,048$774% How much does gender affect auto insurance rates? While gender impacts car insurance premiums, the difference between average rates isn’t dramatic. The national average annual rate for male drivers is $1,898, $2 more than the national average annual rate for female drivers, which is $1,896. The difference between male and female car insurance rates is more stark for young drivers. For example, rates for female drivers are usually several hundred dollars less until age 22. After that, the average rates of male and female drivers are similar. The table below highlights the difference in average rates for male and female drivers across different age groups. AgeAverage annual rates for male driversAverage annual rates for female drivers16$7,541$6,75717$6,275$5,63318$5,543$4,95619$4,369$3,88420$3,943$3,53721$3,231$2,95822$2,965$2,75023$2,756$2,58424$2,594$2,45425$2,295$2,22430$2,017$2,00635$1,949$1,94440$1,898$1,89645$1,867$1,87050$1,794$1,78755$1,747$1,72860$1,727$1,70765$1,754$1,73070$1,861$1,82175$2,048$1,971 How do different car insurance companies account for gender? Every car insurance company has its own method for determining premiums. That means you’ll find different rates across different companies. The table below highlights the average annual rates for male and female drivers of different ages across companies. CompanyFemale – age 25Male – age 25Female – age 45Male – age 45Female – age 65Male – age 65Allstate$2,884$2,939$2,490$2,477$2,341$2,363Farmers$2,579$2,713$2,371$2,313$2,109$2,177Geico$2,033$2,035$1,767$1,757$1,665$1,659Nationwide$1,786$1,875$1,489$1,503$1,353$1,391Progressive$2,358$2,381$2,007$1,965$1,825$1,848State Farm$2,227$2,444$1,959$1,958$1,766$1,765Travelers$1,826$1,883$1,556$1,599$1,439$1,503USAA$1,721$1,778$1,330$1,353$1,277$1,302 How to get lower car insurance rates Regardless of your age and gender, car insurance premiums can add up quickly. Use the strategies below to lock in lower car insurance rates: Shop around. Comparing quotes across multiple car insurance companies can help you lock in savings. Ask about discounts. Most insurers offer a range of discounts to drivers. Don’t hesitate to ask if you qualify for a discount. Opt for a higher deductible. Most insurance companies offer lower premiums to drivers who select a higher deductible. If you have the cash on hand to cover a higher deductible, it’s a good way to save. Sources: Insurance Information Institute “What determines the price of an auto insurance policy?” Accessed August 2024. LGBT Map. “Identity document laws and policies.” Accessed August 2024. Sarah SharkeyContributing Researcher | . .Sarah Sharkey is a personal finance writer with a master’s degree in management from the Hough School of Business at the University of Florida. She enjoys helping readers find money solutions that work. She has written for numerous personal-finance publications including Money Under 30 and The College Investor. In case you missed it Best Car Insurance Companies of 2024 Car insurance rates by state in 2025 What is full coverage car insurance? How much does car insurance cost for seniors in 2025? 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